Sports Chiropractic in Huntersville
We treat a lot of athletes in our practice. Our area is really big on tennis; we treat players at all levels, professional and amateur. We also treat their coaches!
Many professional sports teams have made chiropractic care a part of their health regimen. Chiropractors are well-trained in how structure relates to function; sports chiropractic is natural, next level care.
Pro golfers; NASCAR pit crew members; soccer, basketball and football players; gymnastics; martial arts – we treat them all. All our doctors are former and/or current athletes. We know what you’re going through and how frustrating the healing process can be.
Lots of our patients have gotten involved with the boot camp and CrossFit regimens. When you start working out, these programs can be physically taxing. It’s easy to underestimate your level of fitness at the beginning. As a result, we’ve seen a growing number of patients with injuries from these extreme routines.
Most Boot Campers and CrossFit participants are reluctant to stop doing what they love. We get it, but we can’t give you the care you need if you continue improperly working the injured area. Taking a short break to heal your injury and strengthen the surrounding muscles will pay off in the long run.
What to Expect
Sports chiropractic can improve function and mobility and allow injured athletes to return to action faster. With a focus on posture and muscle imbalances, we treat overused areas and help optimize and enhance your performance.
Chiropractic is the main therapy used in your care plan. With the adjunctive therapies available to us, we’re able to treat your injury on many levels at the same time. Addressing your pain with multiple strategies is the efficient and effective care you need.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Sports Chiropractic different from regular chiropractic?
Why is a sports injury different?
How long before I can go back to my sport?
Book Your Visit Today
Sports chiropractic care is what every athlete and weekend warrior needs for better performance, health and overall wellbeing. Contact us for a free, 15 minute no-obligation appointment and see for yourself the difference we can make in your game.